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"This was the best training I've attended as an LEO. The lectures to practical exercises were perfect. You received hands-on training from day 1 - 5." - Topeka, Kansas

"I wouldn't change anything. It really brought me out of my comfort zone." - Topeka, Kansas.

"Very good training. I've had a patrol issued camera for 20+ years. This class significantly improved my knowledge." Jefferson City, Missouri.

"Loved the examples that were shown. And I loved the practical exercises." - Lee's Summit, Missouri

"This is a great class. I feel it is a class that everyone should go through." - Topeka, Kansas

"Amazing class. And I can't wait to use what I learned in the field." - Topeka, Kansas

"One of the best I have been to." - St. Louis, Missouri

"Wouldn't change a thing. Very much enjoyed the balance between lectures and practical exercises." - Topeka, Kansas

"The practical helped put together what was said in the lecture." - Lee's Summit, Missouri

"Instructors were very good. Knowledgeable. And all instruction was helpful; no filling of empty instructional time with B.S." - Jefferson City, Missouri

"The one on one time following up and reviewing our photos taken during practicals was very beneficial." - Jefferson City, Missouri

"This class exceeded my expectations." - Topeka, Kansas

"One of the best trainings I've been to." - Topeka, Kansas

"Quality was great! Loved the real world examples." - St. Louis, Missouri

"Every road patrol in a major city should take a course like this." - St. Louis, Missouri

Optimum Forensic Solutions. Established 2015

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